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Jackie Freiberg

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Renowned Business Leader and Management Consultant; “One of the Top 50 Thought Leaders in Leadership”
One of the world’s leading authorities on leadership, change, corporate culture, and the female economy, Dr. Jackie Freiberg helps leaders create the best places where the best people can do their best work.

Fee Range: $20,001 – $30,000
Phone: 800-328-6008

For more than 30 years, Jackie has been helping leaders to create Cultures of Innovation & Change through People, Performance, Profit & Purpose.

Recognized as one of the “Top 30 Best Minds on Leadership”, Jackie is one of the most sought-after female business speakers in the nation.

Jackie is NOT into canned speeches. You will never get an off-the-shelf or ready-made keynote. When you book Jackie, your speech will be tailor made. She will closely work with you to thread your objectives into her message and co-create a keynote that has ROI and lasting impact.

A business owner and entrepreneur, Jackie speaks, consults and writes on Leadership, Innovation, Employee Engagement, Cause, Team Chemistry and The SheEconomy (a $20 trillion female strength to know). In addition to speaking, Jackie teaches graduate classes at the University of San Diego, School of Leadership & Education. You can read current articles by Jackie and her husband Kevin at where they are regular leadership contributors.

Jackie is the co-author or 9 award winning books: the international bestseller, NUTS! describing Southwest Airlines' leadership, service culture and profitability, it’s sequel GUTS!, BOOM! (7 timeless choices for inspiring leadership and accountability), NANOVATION! (a how-to on innovation), Do Something Now and Be a Person of Impact, two quick reads that will change your organization and your life, CAUSE! A Business Strategy for Standing Out in A Sea of Sameness (companies that define themselves as cause oriented have better employee engagement, customer loyalty, stronger profitability and growth) and most recently, Bochy Ball! The Chemistry of Winning and Losing in Baseball, Business and Life – a how to for building team chemistry and leading people to perform like champions, and her most recent book Life By Design, Not By default (2023).


Speech Titles and Descriptions:


What should the future of leadership look like? We need courageous leaders who are able to swiftly navigate the uncertainties ahead. Courage is a Leadership Superpower, it is a skill that can be trained and observed and it is a skill that allows all other skills to flourish. Developing courageous leaders will enhance performance, accountability, alignment, retention and engagement. You’ll leave this keynote with practical skills and strategies for becoming more courageous.

Audience takeaways
• What it takes to grow self-awareness
• What it takes to engage in tough conversations
• What it takes to hold yourself & others accountable
• What it takes to coach/mentor with clarity
• What it takes to develop resilience
• What it takes to build courageous teams



What if everyone in your organization had the courage to bring ideas to life? This presentation offers strategies for embracing our “human only qualities” to unlock innovation and enable all people to learn, collaborate, ideate, and dare to try! You’ll leave this keynote with practical skills and strategies for unlocking innovation.

Audience takeaways

  • Strategies to notice what really matters
  • Strategies to question the unquestionable
  • Strategies to embrace technology but don’t become it
  • Strategies to create a “dare to try” culture
  • Strategies to advance AS ONE



The future is hard to navigate, every organization is experiencing on going change and uncertainty. People need to stop moaning and start doing. A disruption proof, time-tested path forward is to double down on up skilling and re-skilling people. This presentation offers strategies for helping people drive, own, and be the change you want to see in your organization or industry.

Audience takeaways

  • Strategies for leading with courage
  • Strategies for developing a curious mindset
  • Strategies for enabling people to ideate
  • Strategies to stop the moaning and move



Are you interested in taking your organization’s service to the next level, to truly stand out in a sea of sameness? Simply meeting customer expectations is NOT enough. To truly stand out, every individual within your organization needs to take ownership of service and create a personalized and unforgettable experience for the customer. Not because they’re told to, because they want to! In this keynote, Jackie challenges everyone to rethink their work and personalize their contributions to create a stand out service experience. You’ll leave this keynote with practical skills and strategies to implement immediately.

Audience takeaways

  • Define your work as a CAUSE
  • Create employees & customers for life
  • Stop pushing & pitching… Start enriching
  • Develop your service SIGNATURE

Jackie’s use of real Staples’ examples in her presentation is such a simple touch, but it was invaluable to the message and audience perception.


When Jackie finished her talk, people turned to each other and said “wow!” They talked about the message and how it impacted them personally.


The homework you did showed as you spoke from the stage. You were completely connected to our culture and tied it in with your message perfectly. Thank you for your attention to detail and inspiring our group with strategies to take back to their business.

Do it Best Corp.


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