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Doc Hendley

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Global Humanitarian, Founder and President of Wine To Water, Clean Water Crusader, Top 10 CNN Hero 

Fee Range: $20,001 – $30,000
North Carolina
Phone: 800-328-6008

Doc Hendley is the Founder and President of Wine To Water, a global non-profit preserving life and dignity through the power of clean water. Wine To Water is committed to building a holistic, community-based model by supporting the life and dignity of all through the power of clean water.

Their teams around the globe integrate strategies for social, environmental, and economic impacts through access to clean water.

Doc did not dream of dedicating his life to humanitarian efforts in developing countries. Far from it, in fact. He graduated from North Carolina State University with a communications degree that he wasn’t sure how to use. While bartending to pay the bills, he noticed the men and women sitting on the stools seemed to want to be part of something bigger. The 30-year-old Hendley got inspired behind the bar and traveled to Darfur, Sudan, and with the money raised, began installing water systems for victims of government-supported genocide.

In 2004 Hendley launched Wine To Water (W|W) from an idea that started with wine tastings and a humble donation jar. W|W radically transformed the process of bringing clean water to people in need anywhere in the world. To date, Wine To Water has dug, repaired, and sanitized drinking wells for nearly 2 million people in 53 countries. While developing water, sanitation, and hygiene solutions (WASH) in direct partnership with local leaders, WTW creates impact beyond water. This impact includes environmental sustainability, improved education, women’s empowerment, better healthcare, and economic growth.

For his life-saving work, Doc Hendley was named one of the Top 10 CNN Heroes for 2009 chosen from over 9,000 applicants by a panel of judges, including General Colin Powell, Whoopi Goldberg, Ted Turner, and Sir Elton John.

Doc Hendley is the epitome of the individual who has made a difference. Because of Doc and his organization, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have access to clean drinking water. Hendley is proof that anyone, even a “tattooed keg-tapper,” can cure what ails the world.

Speech Titles and Descriptions:


Doc Hendley was once a small-town bartender with a dream of changing the world through clean water. Through a series of simple wine-tasting events to raise funds for clean-water projects that he launched in North Carolina, he has created an international fundraising organization that provides clean water and sanitation to people in need around the world. In this speech, Hendley shares insights on how others can put simple ideas into action and use it to solve problems on the local, national, and international level.


In this inspirational keynote, Wine To Water founder Doc Hendley teaches audiences a simple but profound principle for improving the world: do what they can with what they have. As the founder of an international fundraising organization that had humble origins, Hendley illustrates the immense power of relationships to transcend perceived barriers, proving the power of one to transform the impossible into the inevitable.


Filter Builds engage participants as volunteers in a meaningful, impactful team-building experience that leads to the empowerment of communities around the globe through the power of clean water. The WTW Filter Build® Experience offers a meaningful, hands-on approach to impacting communities worldwide with clean water. Whether your Filter Build® event is for a team of 25 or 14,000 co-workers and vendors meeting up at your global conference – this team-building, purpose-driven event is a great way to build relationships, purpose, and passion as you connect and give back.


Thanks again for participating in the Spectrum Health event last week. We have been hearing nothing but great comments about your presentation. Several people have approached me and said that it was the best keynote we have ever had for this event! Thanks again for such a powerful, motivational presentation!

Amy, Spectrum Health

Had the pleasure of meeting you at the ENA Convention in San Diego. You truly are an inspiration and I thank you for all you do.

Debbie N., Emergency Nurses Association

Wow wow wow! Doc was beyond phenomenal. Thank you doesn't begin to cover it.

Eileen, HFMA

Today you inspired me at LinkedIn Talent Connect! You are truly amazing! I am moved.

Shamiso O., LinkedIn

What an honor it was to hear Doc speak at PSAV’s management conference. A truly inspirational story which puts everything into perspective. My perception (rightly or wrongly) of most charitable organizations these days is that money is spent on the overhead of the operation and on short term fixes (e.g. bottled water) without putting due consideration into the long term solution. Your approach of starting with “hearts and minds” prior to offering long term solutions is one more agencies should model themselves on. Thank you for sharing your story and touching our hearts and minds.

Matt Harvey, PSAV Presentation Services

We had a great day with Doc. From my perspective, it could not have gone better. Our folks loved him.

Jeff, Turner Broadcasting System

Our recent Transportation Conference was chock-full of technical sessions and we wanted something motivating, inspiring…more personal…for the keynote address. Doc was the perfect solution to mix things up for the attendees and once I contacted the See Agency, everything went seamlessly. As the event planner for this organization, I have never seen a room full of engineers give a standing ovation for a speaker…and Doc brought this crowd to their feet. Attendees stood in line just to shake Doc’s hand and say thank you – thank you for inspiring me, thank you for telling us your story, thank you for reminding us we all can make a difference. Event planners take note: if you choose to book Doc for your event, you absolutely will impress every attendee, every Board member, every guest, every client – and YOU will know you made a difference by making that choice. What an honor it is to have helped spread Doc’s message!

American Council of Engineering Companies of North Carolina

I was in the audience today listening to your story. It was amazing. I am sure that people tell you that all of the time. Thanks for sharing & being an inspiration of the power of ‘just one person’.

Karen F.

Doc delivers a very inspiring story of how one person can make a difference. His story covers many continents and tragedies with a central and simple theme of providing safe water. In today’s complex world, he takes you back to the basics and points out that sometimes the simplest solutions provide the best outcome. His story is transferable to many aspects of life where mission, passion and service intersect. While his story creates impact at the highest level, you leave inspired to make a difference as well.

Julie Jones, Board of Directors, Association for Healthcare Foodservice

Our conference on May 8th went very well and Doc Hendley was the perfect closing speaker for the day. Most of our guests (myself included) remarked that he was the most inspiring speaker they had ever seen. And further, Doc stayed for our cocktail reception and interacted with our group. A truly incredible individual, we could not be happier with the results of Doc Hendley’s program and visit to our national conference.

Nicole B., Sysco

Doc Hendley is a CAPTIVATING speaker! He was part of a lineup of 16 other presenters at our conference and Doc has received a mountain of attention, compliment and favor from our attendees – one of the favorites by leaps and bounds. He is a total professional and just such a nice guy – charming and humble at the same time. He talked with our guests at the breaks and was completely open to suggestion leading up to and through our event. His talk is incredibly moving and he kept the audience captivated from the moment he took the stage. He has earned his title of Hero. Extraordinary, indeed!

Candice Langson, Steering Committee Chair, TEDxCharlotte

Doc Hendley raised the roof at TEDxAsheville on August 29. In a forum focusing on world (and self) changing ideas, Doc’s inspiration was contagious. I heard time and again from individuals shifting their mindsets about their own potentials because of Doc’s humility and passion. His definitive message that even the most “extraordinarily regular” among us has the power within themselves to make a difference offered a new brand of possibilities to many of the nearly 500 people at our conference. He is an asset to the world, and a role model for everyone.

Gina Dew, TEDxAsheville

Doc was not only charming and modest, he is one of the most inspiring speakers I have ever heard. He takes you on an emotional journey to communities whose living conditions are unimaginable to most of us, and his ability to share his vision, his passion, his commitment and his excitement for his global mission has ignited a flame of passion in our membership as well. We have had the pleasure of Doc’s company at all of our events since that one last winter, and we have united behind him and his efforts to make a difference in the world. We are better people as the result of knowing Doc… We think Doc is indeed a “HERO”!


So where do I start, first of all let me say it’s a little daunting to write a review for Doc Hendley! “A bit above my paygrade” to judge such a person. I can tell you I’ve seen many many speakers over the years and Doc is one of my favorites; not only for what he has done but because he is so humble and truly just a regular guy. You could have heard a pin drop in a room full of people when Doc told us the story of his journey to found the organization Wine to Water. He somehow can make everyone in the room believe they are capable of anything. A true motivator and inspiration.

Amy Young, Grand Connection

Thank you for a dynamic and inspiring talk, Doc, and especially for your work bringing clean water to people who desperately need it. It’s great to see America so well represented in the world.

Patrick Kilbride, US Chamber of Commerce

Doc did a great job on Sunday! It was awesome having him here!

Corry Wiens, Willow Creek Community Church

Doc is a fantastic person in every way. His humility and dedication to making the world a better place is contagious for children and adults. His colorful and human stories of Africa and his work kept these youngsters captivated. I enthusiastically recommend him.

Scott Brogan, Conversations with Brilliance

Doc is a wonderful, sincere person who has made a tremendous difference in the world. He sees himself as average, yet he has saved thousands of lives by raising awareness of the world’s plight of lack of clean drinking water. His powerful, moving story about how each of us has the power to make a difference in the world is one that will shake you to your foundation. Our audience of 300 school administrators was touched and inspired by this remarkable man. We were truly in the presence of greatness, wrapped in humility and compassion. Thank you, Doc.

Adam Palmese, Orange County Public Schools

Doc Hendley is an incredibly passionate speaker. He spoke at Watauga High School in Boone, North Carolina on April 20th about his story and his organization, Wine to Water. Doc reached each person on a personal level with his shocking statistics about the water crisis coupled with his very real photos. This is something that most people know little about, but he did a great job of demonstrating its devastating effects on over 1 billion people worldwide. He was very relatable and down-to-earth, an average guy encouraging the youth to pursue their dreams.

Doc, as always, was adamant that the youth should feel empowered and capable of doing anything – something that he didn’t always feel in school. He was very encouraging to the students, urging them to take action and fight against the water crisis alongside him. I’ve heard Doc speak a few times before, but never had I seen him so confident, excited, and ready to inspire so many students. He kept the attention of each and every student throughout his entire speech, answered a lot of questions about himself and Wine to Water, and, in the end, received a standing ovation from the audience. Doc has an amazing story and Wine to Water is a great organization that’s helping save lives. He was successful in spreading awareness about the water crisis to the youth in our area and helping them to realize that they can make a difference. Doc is compassionate, dedicated, humble, and inspirational – I wholeheartedly recommend him as a speaker.

Katy Cook, Appalachian State University Wine to Water

Doc Hendley is the epitome of the individual who has made a difference. He never planned to do this but when he saw a need, he saw that he had a talent to actually direct efforts at improving that need. As a result literally tens of thousands of people around the world now have clean drinking water they did not have before Doc Hendley came along. I am honored quite frankly to have Doc Hendley graduate as a graduate of NC State.

Dr. Jim Woodward, Chancellor, NC State University

It was an amazing event with Doc Hendley! The event went beautifully. We had about 40 students at dinner and 450 people at the talk, about 200 of which waited in line to have their books signed. All in all, Doc was really genuine and connected wonderfully with the students. I don’t think it could have gone better! Truly a pleasure working with all of you!

Megan, Rockhurst University

Doc Hendley is setting a compelling example of the value of hard work and a vision to help others. He has taken a commonplace object and used it to mobilize communities in America to help suffering communities around the world. He is truly an exceptional North Carolinian and I want to praise him for his dedication to serving needy and suffering people. He has taken personal risks to do the hard work of providing water and clean water education in far flung locations around the globe.

Rep. Virginia Fox, R-North Carolina, 5th District, Winston-Salem, Mount Airy

There is one thing that rings true every time I get the pleasure of hearing Doc Hendley speak – his passion comes through and hits you like nothing you’ve ever experienced in your lifetime. It’s not just the way he interacts with the audience, a sort of down home person that you seem to already know even though you don’t, but it’s the message about improving who we are as people each and every day, and helping those who have difficulty helping themselves because of places they live in or the circumstances of their country. Doc brings that message of hope and seems to naturally lift every person out of their comfort chair and into the wilds of Africa or the devastation in Haiti right alongside him. You feel everything that he feels and see everything that he saw. We are just enamored to be part of his world in a small way and hoping to work with him to better our world in a meaningful way.

Rich Henning, United Water

His story is amazing and inspirational, yet a tad frightening at the beginning (Darfur!). His use of imagery really brings his spoken story to life for his audience. What a humble and genuine man – for someone who has experienced and accomplished so much in the humanitarian field, his modesty is remarkable. In a room of hundreds of corporate executives and government and NGO officials, he easily captivated attention because his commitment to the cause is real, his passion is clear, and his speaker presence is engaging. It was a pleasure to get to talk to him more during the event reception, where Wine to Water wine was served.

K Taylor, BCLC

Doc was a hit with our audience. Yes, yes, he got a standing ovation and damn if he didn’t make me tear up a couple of times. He was just very authentic and compelling on stage, and very easy to work with offstage.”

We put out feedback slips at our breakfast meetings with ratings of Great/Good/Average/Poor.

We got 15 “Great”s. Here are some of the comments:

Terrific – heart, soul, great cause, inspiring

Best yet!

Very inspirational. Amazing what one person can do.


Wonderful inspiring message.

Absolutely great today.

Wow! What an inspirational speaker. I was truly moved. Thank you for bringing Doc to WIN!

Amazing, compelling.

Doc Heldley absolutely amazing amazing. Thank you for providing an incredible learning experience.

James C., Executive Director, WIN


Wine to Water

Wine to Water

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