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(612) 929-2277

Business Growth

Found 76 listings

Marketing & Sales Strategist Generating Attention & Growing Business in a Real-Time World
Our always-on, Web-driven world has new rules for competing and growing business. Advance planning is out “ agile is IN! Those who embrace new ways will be far more successful than those who stay who stay stuck and afraid to change. No one knows more about using the new Real-Time tools and strategies to spread ideas, influence minds and build business than David Meerman Scott. It's his specialty.

Fee Range: $20,001 – $30,000

Futurist, Trends & Innovation Expert and Author

Jim Carroll is one of the world’s leading international futurists, trends and innovation experts, providing strategic guidance and insight to some of most prestigious organizations in the world for over twenty years. He is recognized worldwide as a “thought leader” and authority on: global trends, rapid business model change, business transformation in a period of economic uncertainty and the necessity for fast paced innovation.

Fee Range: $10,001 – $20,000
Phone: 800-328-6008

Former NBA Player, Chairman and CEO Magic Johnson Enterprises
NBA Legend…2-Time Hall of Famer… Olympian_ Entrepreneur… Philanthropist… and Motivational Speaker are just a few honors of distinction that show the culmination of greatness possessed by Earvin “Magic” Johnson. The business mogul has successfully parlayed his skills and tenacity on the court into the business world, propelling his company to the status of #1 Urban Brand in America.

Fee Range: ABOVE $50,000
Phone: 800-328-6008

A great Tell It Like It Is Speaker!
Cy Wakeman is a dynamic national keynote speaker, business consultant, New York Times bestselling author, and trainer who has spent over 20 years cultivating a revolutionary approach to leadership. Grounded in reality, Wakeman's philosophy teaches people how to turn excuses into results and transform unhappy employees into accountable, successful members of the workforce.

Fee Range: $30,001 – $50,000
Phone: 800-328-6008

International Best Selling Author
A thought leader, visionary, and educator in the rapidly growing fields of customer focused-strategy and electronic commerce. Martha Rogers, Ph.D. has co-authored several best-selling books on the use of emerging technologies to grow business revenues and profits. She and partner Don Peppers are also founders of Peppers and Rogers Group, a global consulting firm.

Fee Range: Please request
Phone: 800-328-6008
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