Child Welfare Activist, New York Times Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker
Ashley Rhodes-Courter is the quintessential American success story. Born in 1985 to a single teen mother, by the age of 3 she was in Florida's foster care system where she spent almost ten years being shuttled between 14 homes”some quite abusive”before being adopted from a Children's Home at the age of twelve.
Two-Time Plane Crash Survivor, Former College Athlete & Inspirational Speaker
Real Estate Mogul, Business Expert
Barbara Corcoran’s credentials include straight D’s in high school and college and twenty jobs by the time she turned twenty-three. It was her next job that would make her one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the country when she took a $1000 loan to start The Corcoran Group.
Neuroscientist, Entrepreneur, and Author of Deviate
Fun and engaging keynote speaker teaching effective, actionable strategies that will bring the best out of your people.
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Optimist of The Life is Good Company
Two-time Stanley Cup Champion, National TV and Radio Personality
Bill Clement is a critically acclaimed speaker, actor, entrepreneur and broadcaster. He has experienced being the best and being a champion, but also knows what it means to have to start building success all over again after complete financial and emotional defeat.
Legendary Pulitzer Prize-Winning Investigative Journalist; Associate Editor, The Washington Post; and Author, 22 Bestsellers