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Life Balance

Found 39 listings

Lovitude Soul Painter and LinkedIn Online Branding / Sales Expert

Anne Pryor, M.A. is the creator of Lovitude™ and a Soul Painter. She was inspired through after death communications (ADC) with her friend to create vivid images to elucidate, awaken, and activate souls using ink, her breath, and essential oils, on plastic. Anne was not an artist before these messages. Her paintings have been called 'visual blessings and are hanging in Mayo Clinic, a Pulitzer Prize Winner's home, in galleries and licensed on products sold globally. She was a featured guest on the Hallmark Channel Home & Family Show, viewed by millions of people and in the Lake Minnetonka Magazine.

Fee Range: $10,001 – $20,000
Phone: 800-328-6008

Authority on Happiness, Success, Leadership, Goal-setting, Peak Performance, and Personal and Professional Growth, Masters in Physical Therapy, PhD in Clinical Psychology, specializing in human interaction and interpersonal dynamics, Best-Selling Author, Featured guest on Today Show, Good Morning America, Dr. Oz, Fox Business News, Wall Street Journal, Forbes

Fee Range: $20,001 – $30,000
Phone: 800-328-6008

Star, MTV show The Buried Life

Ben Nemtin is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of What Do You Want To Do Before You Die? and the star of the MTV show The Buried Life. As the co-founder of The Buried Life movement, Ben’s message of radical possibility has been featured by major media outlets including The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, Inc., ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC News.

Fee Range: $30,001 – $50,000
Phone: 800-328-6008

Child Welfare Activist, New York Times Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker
Ashley Rhodes-Courter is the quintessential American success story. Born in 1985 to a single teen mother, by the age of 3 she was in Florida's foster care system where she spent almost ten years being shuttled between 14 homes”some quite abusive”before being adopted from a Children's Home at the age of twelve.

Fee Range: $10,001 – $20,000
Phone: 800-328-6008

Former CEO of Lawson Software and XRS Corporation, Author
Jay Coughlan has been a CEO, a keynote speaker, and a mentor to aspiring business leaders. He is also a convicted felon, and has spent time in prison. During this dark part of his life, he began developing a framework for dealing with the troubles that life inevitably brings.

Fee Range: Please request
Phone: 800-328-6008
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