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(612) 929-2277

Life Balance

Found 39 listings

Expert on Organizational and Personal Resilience, Author

Eileen McDargh is founder and CEO of the consulting firm, The Resiliency Group (a division of McDargh Communications). Organizations like Cisco, Novartis, Oracle, and Procter & Gamble hire her firm to teach them ways of building resilient leadership teams and workplaces.

Fee Range: $10,001 – $20,000
Phone: 800-328-6008

International Management Consultant, Businesswoman, Author

Hattie Hill has over twenty years experience as a businesswoman, professional speaker and international management consultant. Her expertise in global leadership, customer service and diversity has been shared with major organizations throughout the United States, Europe, South Africa, Australia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Fee Range: $10,000 and Below
Phone: 800-328-6008

Jasmine Brett Stringer is a keynote speaker, award-winning author of Seize Your Life: How to Carpe Diem Every Day, on-air TV personality, and host of the podcast and lifestyle blog Carpe Diem with Jasmine. Jasmine is on a mission to help people live empowered and authentic lives. Through her Seize Your Life keynotes, workshops, and customized coaching sessions, Jasmine guides clients and audiences through a simple process to identify their goals and achieve their personal definition of success. 

Fee Range: $10,000 and Below
Phone: 800-328-6008

Former CEO of Lawson Software and XRS Corporation, Author

Jay Coughlan has been a CEO, a keynote speaker, and a mentor to aspiring business leaders. He is also a convicted felon, and has spent time in prison. During this dark part of his life, he began developing a framework for dealing with the troubles that life inevitably brings.

Fee Range: Please request
Phone: 800-328-6008

Speaker, author, and on-air expert on physiology and chemistry, as it relates to Resiliency, Confidence and Performance.

Jenny Evans moves people from feeling overloaded to ON POINT; from overstretched to ON PURPOSE and from overwhelmed to ON FIRE.

Fee Range: $10,001 – $20,000
Phone: 800-328-6008
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