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Cathy Paper

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Build Your Buzz
Cathy Paper, M.A., helps you unleash your inner rock star. She markets select business owners, authors and promotes unique speakers to National status. She guides individuals to create better results through inspiration, reflection and action. Think dynamic growth catalyst!

Fee Range: $10,000 and Below
Phone: 800-328-6008

With seventeen years of experience in leadership development and marketing and nearly 10,000 coaching hours and successful guidance of companies and leaders through strategy, creative development and implementation, she knows how to improve people and increase results. She has founded, launched and sold three companies PaperPlus Recycling, JumpStartResults, and Live Dynamite and launched dozens of products and National bestsellers. RockPaperStar has a National reputation as an elite business manager for bestselling book launches, speaker build out and product development. Cathy is a member of the National Speakers Association.

Her quick wit and competitive spirit makes her a trusted advisor and repeat creative force for companies, individuals and associations such as Best Buy, Paramount Studios, Ameriprise, Harvey Mackay #1 New York Times Best Selling Author of Swim With The Sharks, National Association of Women Business Owners, The University of Minnesota Carlson School and Schwan's. She recently was hired by Kevin Warren, EVP of The Minnesota Vikings. Cathy serves on the board of Data360 and Quest for College. Cathy is 2013 winner of National Association of Women Business Owners Vision award and a recent winner of Minnesota Business Magazine Real Power 50 award. She has worked at William Blair &; Company, Fallon McElligott and Best Buy and holds her Master's Degree from St. Thomas in Organization Development and a BA from Williams College. She is your strategic ace in the hole!

Speech Titles and Descriptions:

Ten Steps To The Spotlight. Build Your Buzz.
There are a million ideas out in the marketplace. People don't remember ordinary, they remember meaningful and valuable. People want to be entertained and educated. They also want to connect. Once you have their attention, how do you keep it and be meaningful and engaging? How can you become a ROCKSTAR?

Today's cluttered environment requires having a strategy, for you, your messages or your business. Using tactics to get noticed, get into the spotlight, build momentum, and bring out the best connection you can with people gets results. Identifying key messages, using humor, finding out why everyone's attitude matters, and having a purpose beyond yourself is how to build the buzz and unleash your inner ROCKSTAR.

It takes time to get going, but once it does, unleashing your inner rockstar clarifies your personal and professional brand. This message can be translated into a lifetime of success through books, speaking, business, and the sharing of ideas to transform lives.

Network better and play UP: What Game Are You Playing?
We all have the same amount of time each day. Yet, some people accomplish so much more than others. What is it that they do that makes them successful, noticed, and results-oriented? Learn a simple framework for thinking about your goals, actions, and habits each day. Start thinking about how your network and your messages are the keys to what other people think about you before you show up at the game.For many people Playing Up comes in the form of a book or a business success, for other's it's taking a simple risk such as calling a client that you weren't sure you could land. Walk away with more inspiration and several immediate actions than you had before hearing Cathy Paper speak.

What would happen if we started cheering each other on?
Mix personal drive, emotional sensitivity, and connection. The result is a framework and ideas delivered by Cathy Paper to bring out the best in others. Come hear a few lessons learned and insights for yourself or your team. Cheer yourself on first. Then cheer another person to be their best strength and compassion.

Networking On &; Off The Screen
Apply Networking Consistently to Running a Business, Launching a Job Search or Promoting a Book.

In this interactive session you will learn:
—how to set goals, personal and professional,
—take inspired action,
—and make the most of the relationships and connections you already have in place.

Walk away with a goal, a target map and 20 tips on keeping in touch with your network to achieve desired results.

This session covers a variety of applications of the power of goal setting and the impact created when the power of the network is harnessed with genuine, long-term intentions.

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