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Jerome Mayne

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Jerome is a powerful storyteller sharing his personal journey to federal prison for a white-collar fraud conspiracy.

His intimate style is serious, and humorous -- rare for the topics of fraud and ethics. Your group will have a transformative experience sparking critical conversations about accountability, personal growth and protecting the company’s bottom line.

Fee Range: $10,000 and Below
Phone: 800-328-6008

Jerome Mayne is founder and CEO of the former, Fraudcon, Inc. As a keynote speaker for over 20 years, he is one of the premier keynote business speakers on ethics, choices, and consequences in corporate America.

As a budding, young finance professional he was charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering. The charges stemmed from his seemingly normal actions years earlier. This resulted in a 21-month prison sentence and his life was changed forever.

He has written dozens of articles for industry trade publications as well as developed professional continuing education courses. The personal diary of his life in the business world and behind bars is documented in his autobiography, Diary of a White-Collar Criminal—now available on Audible.

With wit and passion, Jerome brings his intimate story as a former white-collar criminal to your event. Your audience will take away life-saving lessons for themselves and know how to protect the company’s bottom line.

Jerome is also a former touring stand-up comedian.

Speech Titles and Descriptions:

Choices and Consequences

– making the right decisions when the right decisions aren’t easy

For 2 years his name was, Federal Inmate Number 08657-041. Before that, Jerome Mayne was the founder and CEO of two corporations, respected in the financial community and the father of two young boys. In 1999 he received a 21-month prison sentence for conspiracy to commit mail fraud, wire fraud and money laundering – crimes that took place four years earlier. On November 4th, 1999, he reported to the Federal Prison in Yankton, South Dakota and his career and his life were changed forever.

Jerome keeps your audience riveted – laughing and sometimes crying. He covers the ‘always relevant’ business topics of fraud and ethics with wit and passion. It’s a ‘real-life’ lesson in ethics.

Keynote: 1 – 2 hrs.

Bonus: Most keynotes and workshops qualify for continuing education credit in most professions and industries. (ask about CE credits, CLE credits, CPE credits)


Survive Life – and laugh yourself to death 

How does a motivational keynote speaker, cancer survivor, who is also a convicted felon, live a happy life? In this keynote presentation, the answers will actually have you laughing.

Life Is: losing a job, a death in the family, a sudden change in financial stability, a life threatening illness.

We all have problems. Our character is defined by how we deal with them. Adversity, obstacles and challenges will shut us down and change who we are forever — if we let them.

Jerome Mayne will tell you his story; how he overcame adversity and found humor in the middle of a nightmare: cancer, while of serving almost 21 months in federal prison as well as quadruple by-pass open heart surgery.

This dynamic keynote presentation by a top-rated keynote speaker, is riveting as well as humorous and will demonstrate that you can overcome any life obstacles.

Keynote: 1 – 2 hrs.


Survive Life While Laughing Yourself to Death
At the end of the day we can ask ourselves three questions.

• Did I laugh enough?
• Did I learn enough?
• Did I leave the day better than I found it?

Jerome Mayne, a former federal inmate and cancer survivor has truly learned the secrets of how to live. His life changing experiences taught him how we take so many of our precious moments on this earth for granted and what to do to live each day happier and more content.

Is laughter the best medicine? As a motivational speaker, Jerome thinks it is one of the keys to healthy life balance. He will show your group how comedy and allowing yourself to laugh is a sign that you are living well.

Learning is always about humility. Self-centerdness and humility cannot exist on the same plane. If you are not open to learning, you must think you already know everything. If you already know everything, how can you grow? Jerome will show you how to remain teachable, even in areas where you think you are the “Mr. Know It All” – and love every minute of it.

How can you leave the day better than you found it? By default, if you have laughed and remained humble throughout the course of your day, you will be leaving the day better than you found it. And some days, if you’re lucky, the day will leave you better than you found it.

For your conference, convention or company event, Jerome’s keynote presentation, Survive Life While Laughing Yourself to Death, will leave your audience energized, invigorated and on a path to living a better life . Oh, and they will laugh.


Fraud and Consequences

Would you stand up for what you believe is right or would you choose to keep your job and risk going to prison? Could your family; your kids overcome the shame and embarrassment of your criminal conviction? These seemingly impossible questions have answers.

Jerome Mayne, leading expert in the United States on ethics and adversity, takes you on his personal journey from CEO, father of two young boys, living in a quaint neighborhood, to a whirlwind of FBI investigations, federal court, and finally prison.

He will bring you along on his emotional journey and you will understand how he dealt with adversity through his reliance upon the strength of others and by finding the humor in the middle of a nightmare. His stories will help you understand your vulnerabilities, and you’ll take away all the tools you’ll need to save yourself from making the wrong decisions and loosing everything you’ve ever worked for.

In Fraud & Consequences you will learn:

  • Where your vulnerabilities lie
  • How easy it is to join a conspiracy – even if you didn’t intend to
  • How the phrase, “no harm, no foul” is absolutely ridiculous
  • That real con men are out there and how they will recruit you
  • The devastating effects committing fraud has on the victims, your profession and your family
  • How to maintain a relationship with your kids through snail mail and collect phone calls
  • Find out once and for all whether or not there really is, in fact, a big guy named Bubba

Jerome will show your group that the unethical behaviors existing in today’s “business as usual” corporate culture can earn them their own Federal Inmate Number.


All That Ethical Jazz – Companies don’t go to prison – people do!

Did you ever go with the flow because it was easier than asserting yourself? Professionals from young to old are faced with tough decisions every day. Ethics is more than just the actions you take when faced with tough choices, it is how you behave as a person every day.

Self confidence combined with creative problem solving skills not only lead to stronger values, they lead to a stronger bottom line.

Jerome leads your group through real solutions to the day-to-day ethical challenges that we all must face. All That Ethical Jazz is not just a sit-and-listen presentation. Using interactive exercises, Jerome inspires thought-provoking discussions that produce real-world solutions. Your group will learn to truly trust their instincts and tap into the many creative choices that are right at their fingertips.

In All That Ethical Jazz your group will learn:

  • Why codes of ethics are in place (and confusing)
  • That your instinct rarely tells you to do the wrong thing first
  • How to listen to that “gut” feeling
  • How to avoid being beaten be the “Con Men”, that are all around you
  • The red-flag indicators of unethical behavior
  • How to trust yourself and make the right decisions, on the spot!

Diary of a White Collar Criminal (Audio Book)

Diary of a White Collar Criminal (eBook)



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