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Julie Holmes

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The world has gone virtual. Now more than ever, you will use technology to connect with prospects and customers. Top-rated speaker & inventor Julie Holmes helps you do that in her TECH TO CONNECT program series.

Fee Range: $10,001 – $20,000
Phone: 800-328-6008

Let's cut to the chase...your group is facing some tough times right now. Maybe you're uncertain about how to best support them. Perhaps you're overwhelmed yourself and trying to make sure they get exceptional, relevant information but you don't need yet ANOTHER thing to manage or worry about.

Here is a recipe for success even in these uncertain times:


• Take a variety of current, powerful technology solutions and mix with clever, clear innovation strategies.

• Sprinkle liberally with Julie's experience, expertise, stories, and humor.

• Serve right away VIRTUALLY with fresh insights ... or ... prepare in advance and deliver at a LIVE event in the future.


Best served to groups who are hungry for new ways to reach their clients and prospects in difficult, changing times. Also a great meal for leaders that love the flavor on innovation but could do with making it more of a staple item.

In all seriousness; innovation, tech, and pivoting business aren't just what Julie talks about, it's who she is and what she does every single day.

Julie is an inventor and entrepreneur with over 20 years in enterprise technology where she designed, marketed, and sold award-winning products and services around the world. Today, she takes those decades of experience (and a very impressive collection of apps) to ambitious, determined groups who recognize that technology and creative business thinking will help them sell more, serve better and save time.

  •  Audiences love her content and fun, down-to-earth style.
  •  Meeting planners appreciate her professionalism and how easy she is to work with.
  • Business and organization leaders hire her because her recommendations are pragmatic and directly deliver bottom-line results.

Whether you choose (wisely) to work with Julie or not, here are some questions you might be asking yourself.

Speech Titles and Descriptions:


Delivery Options: Live Keynote • Virtual Keynote • Workshop (Webinar/Live Streaming)

Best For: C-Suite • Leaders • Entrepreneurs • Small Business Owners

In the blink of an eye, everything changed. Your plans. Your forecasts. Out the window.
Cancellations, postponements and a dose of high-octane panic leave you feeling overwhelmed, confused, and uncertain about what's next.

Business as usual is over. It's time to get creative. Time to rethink, reframe, and retool. And the good news is, you got this. All you need is some fresh thinking and innovation strategies and you'll go from reactive to proactive.

In this crisis innovation program, we will walk through the specific activities and approaches applied to YOUR BUSINESS. You'll analyze and rethink your organization. You'll take stock of your assets and relationships. You'll discover opportunities. And you'll walk away with a list of actionable ideas, next steps, and a newfound sense of hope.

Plus, you'll have a valuable set of tools to get you through these challenging times and whatever comes next.

Program Results

• Understand why innovation is critical, especially in times of crisis and change
• Apply a structured approach to innovation and problem solving

• Build your prioritization checklist so you know where to invest your efforts to get the best results as quickly as possible


Delivery Options: Live Keynote • Virtual Keynote • Workshop (Webinar/Live Streaming)

Best For: C-Suite • Leaders • Sales • Marketing • Entrepreneurs • Small Business Owners • Mixed
"Heads down" conversation is the new normal. From text messages to video voicemail, our ability to connect with others on a personal level is being challenged every single day by sheer distance. Our knee jerk reaction is to REJECT THE TECH and demand more real, in-person interactions. But what if our ability to communicate meaningfully with others isn't degrading but is instead EVOLVING?

The way we interact with others - especially in business - is at a tipping point. We can either stay shackled to the old ways of doing business or embrace progress, meeting our colleagues and customers where they already are. By getting creating, being informed, and embracing new technology, you'll be more connected to the people you serve.

By the end of this session you will:

• Understand why those cat videos are so addictive and what that means for your own on-screen messages
• Leverage the three dynamic dimensions of communication to make your messages irresistible
• Be ready to experience, practice, and scale your newfound communication expertise with Julie's top app recommendations

Pick your flavor (or ask Julie about making something special just for you!):

Tech to Connect for Sales - Frustrated with trying to reach prospects the old fashioned way? Or maybe you're great at connecting one on one but you're ready to scale. You need this!

Tech to Connect for Leaders - Remote teams, Zoom meetings and texting for business? To stay in front of the tech and lead with confidence in a changing world, click here!

Tech to Connect for Small Business - It's all on your shoulders. You have a lot to do and are overwhelmed with all the tech and choices. Julie has the answers & speaks your language!


Delivery Options: Live Keynote • Virtual Keynote • Workshop (Webinar/Live Streaming)

Best for: Sales • Marketing • Entrepreneurs • Small Business Owners • Mixed
Get ready for a BRAND-new day! We know that in order to sell we must first be seen and in the digital age, that means letting our brand flag fly.

To get connected with our potential customers and future referrers, we need to be in the right place at the right time wearing a big name tag.

Wondering how can you stand out from the crowd without staying online 24/7 or hiring a whole team of teenagers to make TikToks for you? Is your current social media strategy feeling more like an anti-social strategy?

Julie's got you covered! In this program, she'll share how easy and inexpensive it can be to radiate your brand online in a totally classy way. Using her marketing prowess earned from years as a global Director a Product Marketing and her tech-savvy as an app developer and inventor, she'll dig into her digital bag of tricks, best practices, and quick strategies.

You'll leave inspired, energized, informed, and ready to paint your brand all over town!

Program Results:

• Find out if you're showcasing your brand or someone else's and why that matters
• Discover the #1 thing you can do to guarantee someone will look at your online content
• Decide which brand showcase tools are right for you
• Build your brand plan to stay top of mind all the time


Delivery Options: Live Keynote • Virtual Keynote • Workshop (Webinar/Live Streaming)

Best For: C-Suite • Leaders • Entrepreneurs • Small Business Owners • Mixed
Addicting. Distracting. Frustrating. Essential. These are some of the words we use to describe our love-hate feelings about technology. After all, the average person only uses HALF the apps on their phone.

In a world of instant app downloads, free trials, and slick tech marketing promising more customers, more revenue, more time and more success, it can be hard to tell what you really need for yourself and your business in order to survive and thrive. Do you need more apps? Or maybe you should do more with the tech you already have. Perhaps you've even lost count of the tools you've already purchased (Yep...I'm looking at you, subscription-renewal-for-an-app-I-forgot I had!).

Not to worry! Grab your smartphone or laptop and get ready to experience a tech-intervention. Deciding why, when, and how you should take advantage of new apps and tech comes down to six principles that you'll use to pick and prioritize what you really need and are ready to use.

Avoid the lure of shiny objects and spot the hidden gems so you can focus on the most valuable tech for you and your organization. By the end of this session, you'll be raving about how your tech is powerful, practical, and fun while walking away with a written action plan!

Program Results:

• "Perfect" tech solutions don't exist but "right" tech solutions do
• The 6 dimensions to assess every app before you invest your time and money
• When it's the right time to add (and remove) new tools and technology
• The top tip to save big money on tech and app


Delivery Options: Live Keynote • Virtual Keynote • Workshop (Webinar/Live Streaming)

Best For: C-Suite • Leaders • Sales • Marketing • Entrepreneurs • Small Business Owners • Mixed
"It's not my problem." "It's not my job." "I wouldn't know where to start." "I can't." "I won't." "I quit."

Imagine inventors saying these kinds of phrases. What if those inventors STOPPED thinking, creating, and solving? Terrifying, right?!

But this is exactly what's happening in YOUR teams, organization and maybe even in your own mind every single day. Whether it's problem-solving around product development, improving customer service, a time-saving process that leads to better productivity, or trying a different way to attract and retain employees -thinking like an inventor changes the game for all of these and so much more!

Finding opportunities to "invent" starts with just one little word and it ends with collaboration, teamwork, and an attitude of ownership. Learn how you and your organization can turn the tables on your performance by simply knowing how to think like an inventor.

This highly motivational and inspiring keynote engages and enlightens while empowering your people with the kind of thinking that creates solutions (and an attitude) that is truly inspiring. We're all inventors at heart; some of us just don't know it yet!

Program Results:

• Personal initiative will soar when you learn the secret to spotting any problem or opportunity waiting to be solved
• Increase that sense of ownership by understanding how invention is fun, easy and (almost always) free
• Inspire an unlimited supply of ideas and opportunities when you see the world through inventors' eyes
• An audience that is eager to learn for the rest of the day and the rest of their live


"I recently was able to listen to a webinar with Julie and honestly thought I was in-person listening to a keynote. She is very energetic and engaging. All the tech tips and tricks she provided were on-trend and up to date. She is a speaker I cannot wait to see again!" Courtney Fields DMCP

"As a conference organizer, I highly recommend Julie! She was great to work with throughout the process. She took the time to understand the group and our unique needs. A true professional that is fun to partner with! I hope that we will work together again - and soon!" Beth Helberg NAIFA-TX

"Excellent program! Many such sessions give you the concepts and challenges, but don't tell you clearly how to address them. Finally a session with practical advice that is EASY to implement into everyday work and life. Christl Nagendra, E&Y

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