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Kim Keprios

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Certified Executive, Life & Wellbeing Coach & Retreat Facilitator, former Interim Executive Director former CEO ARC Minnesota

Fee Range: $10,000 and Below

The heart of my work begins at home. One of five kids, I grew up alongside Mike, my older brother with disabilities, during a time when anyone “different” was excluded from typical childhood experiences. My brother’s exclusion fueled my passion for recognizing the value and dignity of each unique being. My career path followed my passions and values, serving as CEO for The Arc Greater Twin Cities, a nonprofit advocacy organization dedicated to people with disabilities, for 32 years. I attempted semi-retirement briefly but when asked to serve as the Interim Executive Director for Wilderness Inquiry, a nonprofit that connects people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to nature and one another, I couldn't resist. I served in this transitional role for two years.

The adventures and juggling acts I have experienced personally and professionally have resulted in an understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that women in all seasons of life encounter. I am energized by the power of connection, both 1:1 and within groups. My passion is bringing together a diverse group of people to listen and ask the questions that will support each person’s efforts toward meaningful and transformative experiences. I am a partner with women who seek to explore, stretch and take action—witnessing their evolution makes my heart sing!

Grounded in my values of relationships, service and adaptability, people I work with will tell you they value my authenticity, positivity, integrity, curiosity, and fun spirit. I live in Minneapolis with my spouse, have a son in law school, two stepdaughters, sons-in-laws and grandkids and am a native Minnesotan who loves every season, especially fall and winter—bring on the snow…until March!

Speech Titles and Descriptions:

•Transitions, Now What?

•Passion, Purpose, and the Dance of Balance

•New Year, New Priorities: Reflect and Reset


I attended Kim's New Year retreat in January of 2022 and I loved it! The theme was "New Year, New Priorities: You First!", centered around improving our boundaries to better take care of ourselves. Kim led the 7 of us with skill and compassion, leaving room to be flexible to meet the group's needs. Her intentional approach to guiding us included breath work to get us grounded; research-based knowledge of self- care/self deprivation and triggers; and a safe space for all of us to be vulnerable and share our life experiences while we brainstormed solutions to take home and practice. There was ample time to be creative, rest, and enjoy the outdoors, with our new found friends or on our own. The accommodations at Camp DuNord are wonderful too! The cabins are beautiful, spacious, comfortable and in good repair; the food is delicious and plentiful; the forest and lake are breathtaking. We took a sauna, cross-country skied, we puzzled and collaged. I will always look back fondly on my time at Kim's retreat, and I look forward to attending another one next year. 

I was on the hunt for a retreat when I met Kim, and I had the pleasure of attending the Transitions retreat at Camp du Nord shortly before the world changed in early 2020.  It ended up being my last trip before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and gave me tools to navigate a time of even more transition ahead.  Though I didn’t know any of the participants at the retreat, we built a supportive community quickly.  We laughed together, cried together, sang together, listened to one another and even jumped into a frozen lake together (it’s called avantouinti and it was a bucket list experience).  We had wonderful food, beautiful winter outdoor hikes and cross country skiing, massages and yoga, and classes exploring specific topics like limiting beliefs, time and values comparisons and passed opportunities.

I had such a restorative, healing experience at the retreat that I began working with Kim as a life coach.  She helps me listen to myself—she says that most people already have the answers but rarely pay attention.  She’s guided me on how to be a better leader, a better supervisor, create better boundaries and make time for my creative pursuits. Since beginning to work with her, I have been promoted to a Vice President at my company, I’ve received grants for my filmmaking projects and become a leader in my community and company on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.  She is a wonderful advisor and friend, and I’d recommend her to anyone.

The Women’s Wellbeing Retreat: Transitions was a remarkable opportunity for personal reflection, growth, and finding beauty and meaning. This beautifully structured and lovingly facilitated retreat was one of the most meaningful experiences of seven decades of life. A retired educational leader, I’ve had a good deal of experience with working with groups. Rarely have I experienced an extended group interaction so thoughtfully and sensitively constructed and facilitated. Built in were many hours of personal time-- giving participants the opportunity to reflect on presentations and discussions; to examine personal needs, challenges and goals; to evaluate how to overcome personal obstacles; and to interact with nature, art, other participants, or quite simply, take a nap. Bravo to Kim and others—a superior experience and opportunity, worth every penny and every moment away from loved ones, responsibilities and the challenges of daily life. 

I had known Kim casually for a decade before I had the privilege of serving as a consultant with her organization and a network of related organizations. During that time I came to appreciate Kim's standout skills as a CEO--she is truly a gifted leader--as well as the depth of her character. It was her passionate leadership, combined with a long-held vision for a better future that made it possible for this network of organizations to choose a powerful new path for providing better services to their communities. She is one of those rare leaders who combines outstanding executive competencies with deep caring for others, commitment to building a better future, a creative approach to strategy and unquestionable ethics. It is ironic that as a paid consultant I had a chance to learn so much from my interactions with her and from observing her leadership skills in action.

Kim’s depth of knowledge in building an organization on a national level, while developing and working with high performing teams and boards, has been invaluable to me. During our coaching sessions she consistently pointed out the leadership skills I have that made growth happen. This allowed me not only to see the skills I have, but to feel confident and supported. While I’ve always believed I belong at every table, I haven’t recognized the value I bring.  If recognizing your own self worth is an ingredient you’re missing, I highly recommend you work with Kim. 

Kim always arrived at our sessions with high, positive energy. She would efficiently set up a visually attractive space wherever we were meeting. Then with a few verbal cues she’d effectively have me set aside any distractions to our hour’s work. The prompts or exercises she brought to each coaching session provided meaningful frames for my career and life considerations. I found the Life Map exercise particularly helpful as it provided an “aha” that continues to propel me. Over the months of coaching, Kim’s observations and feedback on my levels of energy allowed me to get unstuck and move forward making decisions on how to use my time and talents. I highly recommend Kim as a career and life coach.

I am retired and a recent empty nester deciding what I want the next phase of my life to look like. Kim is warm, enthusiastic, diligent, non-judgmental and a good listener. She encouraged wide ranging exploration and goal setting. She introduced me to a variety of tools. Some helped me evaluate what I had already accomplished. Other tools helped me imagine a wide range of future scenarios. 

As a result, I acknowledged successes of many sizes, identified a hierarchy of values and sketched out several paths toward my goals that included flexibility in how, when or even whether I would choose to reach them. And besides that, we laughed a lot and had fun!

Through our coaching experiences at Learning Journey’s, I had the wonderful opportunity to coach with Kim and observe her professional approach. Kim sets a warm environment with positive energy and works in partnership to establish her client’s goals. Kim has excellent listening skills and uses powerful questions to dive further into the goal’s established for that session. Kim’s knowledge and skills in coaching along with depth of experience and success throughout her tenure as a CEO will be invaluable to those seeking her coaching and consulting services.

Kim is a caring and engaged leader who I am grateful to have worked with at Arc Greater Twin Cities/Arc Minnesota. She was always accessible and excited about helping people with disabilities and their families.  She knows firsthand how vital supports across the lifespan are, and was a truly tireless advocate for advancing human rights of people with disabilities. She championed a massive chapter merger by building strong relationships with leaders and influencers across the state, a move that more nonprofits should be making. Kim brings heart-forward and compassionate leadership to everything she does, and is bold in her belief that everyone deserves the chance to live a full life of inclusion.

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