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Nancy Giordano

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  • Exponential Strategist | Business Futurist | Global Keynote Speaker – Play Big Inc
  • Transformation Strategist – Kungfu AI
  • Founder | Producer – Femme Futurists Society + Careers for the Future
  • Advisor – Retail Tomorrow + Future Frontiers + Center for Partnership Systems
  • Champion – Holochain +
  • Author – Leadering. The Ways Visionary Leaders Play Bigger.
Fee Range: $30,001 – $50,000

Described as endlessly optimistic, Nancy is a exponential strategist, business futurist, and bestselling author who has consulted on a portfolio of $60+ billion well-known brands and given more than 100+ global keynotes. With a drive to help enterprise organizations and visionary leaders transform to meet the escalating expectations ahead, she is recognized as one of the world’s top female futurists.

Her expertise and experiences range from A.I., to frozen foods, to reinventing the internet, and all of her projects have a key common denominator: transitioning away from the extractive operating systems and outdated business thinking that no longer holds up, to create the more sustainable, inclusive and dynamic solutions the future demands.

From her early career at three of the top global advertising agencies and as a 15-year founder of her own strategic inspiration company, Play Big Inc, Nancy has a rich history of advising and learning with iconic companies such as Nestle, Coca Cola, Sprint, and many more - and horizon-technology start-ups like Holochain - helping transition them to a new economy of collaboration, contribution and trust.

She is the world’s first TEDx licensee, Singularity University lecturer, creator of the first “Career Fair For the Future” (now “Careers for the Future”) for college + high school students, and recent co-founder of the Femme Futurists Society (a growing collection of interviews with leading futurists around the world). Nancy has also joined forces with Kungfu.AI to help visionary enterprise leaders harness and sharpen their 21st Century business acumen via AI applications and the transformations these usher in.

Ranked #1 on Amazon for both Business Ethics and Organization Strategy, her first book, titled Leadering: The Ways Visionary Leaders Play Bigger, defines and makes visible the dynamic, inclusive and audacious mindset leaders must cultivate in order to stay relevant and help build a better next.



Speech Titles and Descriptions:

Navigating the Big Shift

Society is transforming. Exponential advances in connectivity and technology, precarious economic, political and social structures, and an emerging desire for community and connection are causing old economy models to quickly shift to completely different set of new economy expectations and needs. How does one navigate change in such a dynamic and complex environment? Nancy provides an executive-level understanding of how changes in technologies, demographics, culture, economic behavior, public policies, and much more will provide unique opportunities and critical challenges to the profitability of companies. Nancy helps you expand the scope of your event and what this means to you right now.


How Technology, Demographics and Values Are Disrupting the Future of Work and Talent

Whether we have more jobs or less is a debate only time will settle, but there is no doubt 100% of jobs will be re-skilled. How we work and why is being re-calibrated, and society overall will take a radical shift as we head into what has been described as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. How can we build the new capacities necessary? How will new tools shape new behaviors and drive new expectations? Which old practices to manage risk are actually now putting us at risk? And how will we measure we are doing it right?


Nancy delves into both the advancing technologies and the critical shifts companies and the workforce must confront to stay relevant in the future.


The Case for Audacious Learning

Society is transforming and advancing technologies are rapidly reinventing the ways we work, live and connect. And reshaping ways we lead. Instead of predictably replicating the success of the past, leaders must now embrace and navigate these new opportunities, the need for constant innovation and the demands of an increasingly dynamic environment. Being open to radical new solutions requires radically new ways of thinking, “leadering", and being.

Nancy Giordano delivers an infectious presentation that highlights the key areas for leaders to act boldly and in ways that will make a major difference to the strategic future of the organization.


How Exponential Technologies are changing Everything

As Executive Producer of Gigaom Change, Nancy and her company have curated the leading experts on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Nanotechnology, Virtual + Augmented Realities, 3D+ Printing, Cybersecurity and Human-Machine Interface.


Nancy Giordano provides whole new ways to look at and build realities. She shares how these exponential technologies will cause work, industry and society to change more in the next 10 years than in over 100+. How are the rules radically changing? What are some of the most pressing issues and new yardsticks shaping our behaviors and choices? And what do we need to learn to better navigate, create and thrive?


Leadering by Nancy Giordano

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