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(612) 929-2277

Stephanie Goetz

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Keynote Speaker, Communications Expert, Specialist on Presence and Influence, Award-Winning Journalist, and Pilot
Stephanie Goetz speaks about and coaches Fortune 500 C-suite leaders and executives on how to elevate their communication, increase their impact and develop their authentic influence and presence. This Emmy-nominated former broadcaster will motivate and challenge your teams to develop these crucial leadership skills with practical and actionable advice.

Fee Range: $10,000 and Below
Phone: 800-328-6008

This former broadcaster brings that focused, effective communication, leadership, presence, and speaking expertise to her clients: making them fearless and powerful in their speeches, leadership, media engagements, presentations and everyday interactions. She will teach you how to effectively prioritize and create content under pressure, sharpen your messages, handle the unexpected, and thrive in good and bad days when the show must go on.

Stephanie teaches and trains individuals and corporations on influential and effective communication, leadership, presence, speaking and resilience. She works with all walks of life, from CEO's and executives at Fortune 500 companies to start-ups, financial advisors, architects and top levels in law enforcement on brand strategy and community relations. And she has a unique perspective that brings resilience and durability to her trainings: she's dealt with immense personal family tragedy and teaches people how to thrive through adversity of any kind.

She'll inspire you and give you the practical resources to take that next step you've been fearing, get out of your comfort zone, expand your mind, and be humble and grateful in the process.

Speech Titles and Descriptions:

The Keys to Having Lasting Influence
Communication and presence are the key components of the most influential leaders. Stephanie will teach you how to hone your individual message, use your authentic presence to your advantage and read an audience to tailor your message for ultimate results.

How to Master Your Executive Presence
First impressions last. So do the second, third, and hundredth. How people perceive you is how they hear you. Stephanie will teach you how to discover your individual presence, how it impacts your communication and influence, and how to effectively use body language to impact how people view you “ making you a more revered, respected and trusted leader.

The Beauty in Struggle: Building Resilience & Inner Strength
There is immense beauty and strength through struggle, and Stephanie has lived that first hand. She walks audiences through the loss of her only siblings “ and several other family members “ before the age of 20 and how she picked herself up to live a meaningful life of purpose. Stephanie teaches you how to face adversity and thrive through it, gives you the tools and real-world advice that will build your resilience and make it long-lasting, and how to capture your individual grit and determination to live your most successful life.

Creating Your Lasting Impact
You have passion and personal experiences that give you your unique view on the world. But you aren't using them to the fullest. Through her experience in launching and sustaining a thriving mental health non-profit, Stephanie shows audiences how to take their talents and passions to create their desired impact and legacy on the world.

Selling Your Mission and Vision to Your Team
How do you get those you lead to believe and take ownership of the vision and mission you set out for them? Stephanie will educate your audience about why people latch on to some messages and not others, the power of subtle changes in language, and how to craft your vision/mission into a message that your team will run with.

Taking Ownership of Your Life and Success
Are you taking command of your career and trajectory of success, or is it leading you? Learn how to identify barriers that are getting in the way of you achieving your true path and success and discover ways to shatter those walls to break through your own glass ceiling.

How Listening Generates Profit
How often do you focus so intently on what you need to say or present, that you completely disregard why the audience (your team, other executives, investors, clients, etc.) would buy into your message? Stephanie explains how powerful and influential communicators use listening and understanding their audience to reach further depths with their team or audience. You will learn how to listen more effectively to get to the root of issues and biases, the power of empathy, and how to read an individual or crowd.

The Power of Communication and Influence
The most effective and influential leaders are the most effective communicators. Powerful, inspiration, and influential communication is teachable and easily learned. Stephanie will expose participants to the science behind communication, how short-and-sweet almost always wins, and the key factors to get people on board, inspired, loyal, and ready to follow the message you present.

How to Live Your Passion Every Day
What is your dream life? Are you living it? Chances are, no. Stephanie will show you how to tap into your deepest desires and passions to incorporate them into your life and live them fully. She will also teach you how to make a difference in the world through using your passion and unique talents to help others.

Mental Health
Stephanie delivers keynotes around the topic of mental health, thriving, identifying someone struggling with mental illness and how to help them and yourself find a path to healing.


Stephanie is a renowned master of ceremonies and event facilitator. No audience is too large or small for her to emcee. She has the remarkable ability to think on her feet, captivate audiences, speak your message and keep your event on time to make it a huge success for you and your organization.

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