Founder of The Accountability Institute™, Named one of the World’s Top 5 Organizational Culture Professionals by Global Gurus, Bestselling author of 12 books including: The Accountability Advantage, I Am Accountable, Non-Negotiable, No More Excuses, and No Matter What, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame inductee
Workforce Retention Expert, Futurist, Generations Guru
Top Inspirational Speaker, Former Wheelchair Athlete, Bestselling Author, and former member of the Million Dollar Round Table | Inspiring audiences everywhere to Turn Any Setback Into a Comeback.
Author - Consultant - Speaker - Trainer - Transformer
Scott Deming is consistently the highest rated speaker and trainer for the companies he speaks for. From manufacturing to retail, pharmaceutical to agriculture, technology to food and beverage, clients continue to bring Scott back for repeat performances and further educational development. If you’re interested in Brand Distinction, Innovation, Disruption, Leadership and Culture Building, look no further.
Scott Sonenshein is the Henry Gardiner Symonds Professor of Management at Rice University and the bestselling author of Stretch: Unlock the Power of Less – And Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined (2017). His latest book, co-authored with Marie Kondo, is Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life (April 2020). His award winning research, teaching, and speaking has helped Fortune 500 executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals in industries such as technology, energy, healthcare, retail, education, banking, manufacturing, and non-profits.
Positive Psychology Expert
Shawn Achor is the New York Times bestselling author of The Happiness Advantage and Before Happiness. He spent 12 years at Harvard, where he won over a dozen distinguished teaching awards, and delivered lectures on positive psychology in the most popular class at Harvard.
BE FUTURE READY™ - - Keynotes that guide executives to understand important trends, navigate challenges, and take action on emerging opportunities
Simon T. Bailey believes in your brilliance. He leads the SPARK Movement whose purpose is to ignite sustainable transformation in people, individuals, systems, and nations.