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Woman using social media to promote her conference and increase attendance

How Social Media Can Increase Attendance at Your Conference

As a conference planner, social media is a powerful, inexpensive marketing tool you need to leverage to increase attendance at your event. In this post, we’ll look at some ways you can better promote your conference using your organization’s social media accounts. 

Interactive Facebook Posts 

Craft Facebook posts with open-ended questions about your conference to encourage engagement. For example, if your conference is in Nashville, ask what historic Nashville sites people would most like to see during your conference. The goal is to get people commenting, which will, in turn, make your post appear in the feeds of the friends of your fans. This is a great way to organically spread your message. 

Use Your Instagram Account to Showcase Your Host City

Post beautiful pictures of the amazing sights and fun attractions from your host city. If it’s in Vegas, get your followers excited with some shots of the Strip lit up at night. If it’s in New Orleans, post some pictures of the amazing culture and nightlife on the Bayou. Use the app’s visual element to entice your followers to attend. Always make sure to end each post by promoting your event. Add the event registration link in your Instagram bio as well. 

Conduct a Twitter Poll

Tweet regularly about the conference in order to increase attendance. Highlight the location, activities, and amazing speakers and entertainment you’re planning to have on hand. Conduct Twitter polls to gather feedback on what your followers would like to see at the conference. This can help you adjust your content based on their feedback. 

Post YouTube Clips of Your Speakers

If you’re able to land a celebrity or a great speaker (which isn’t as hard as you think), ask permission to post clips of their speeches to your YouTube channel. If you’re not able to upload the videos directly, retweet or post their videos to Facebook. This shows your prospective audience the amazing content they’ll receive if they attend. 

These are just four ways to use social media to your advantage when promoting your conference in order to increase attendance. Before you can promote it, you need to make sure you have great entertainment for your guests. There’s no better way to do that than with engaging speakers and entertainers. To book your speakers and entertainers, contact us today!


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