Meeting and event planners put their heart into what they do. We asked some of…
Amplifying Voices
Today we are talking about what it means to amplify voices. It feels like every month, we are talking about what has changed in the world and this month is no exception. World events have again brought sadness, but also inspired a long-overdue movement of change.
We at Preferred Speakers are saddened by the death of George Floyd and inspired by the activism. We know Black Lives Matter and feel empowered to share the voices of the many Black speakers we work with, because we have the power to help amplify these voices.
Meet Dr. Willie Jolley, Hall of Fame speaker, best-selling author, award-winning singer, and prominent host of the top motivational show on Sirius XM Radio. He uses his public platform to pursue his mission of empowering and encouraging people to rise above their circumstances and maximize their God given potential.
Dr. Jolley shared his thoughts on current events and how he is empowering change.
What does being anti-racist mean to you?
To me, being anti-racist means to actually live a life that is consistent with the premise of Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech. I will not judge others by the color of their skin but by the content of their character, and hope others will do the same for me and other people who are different than themselves.
It’s also about listening, especially when someone indicates that what you are doing or saying is offensive. This applies not only to people, but to organizations as well (like sports teams). If it is offensive and people have expressed that offense for years, then it simply needs to change.
How are you actively working and speaking out in support of change?
I use the platforms available to me to regularly speak out and speak up. While public dialogue is important, it’s also necessary to have one-on-one conversations with those who are different than me. This means having the critical conversations about race and racism and sharing my perspective of why it is so important to me and I believe, to society as a whole. The death of George Floyd was so painful, because even though we didn’t know him, we all knew that the person on the ground could have been our son, nephew, cousin or sibling!
I created a video based on lessons shared by my father from the 1968 riots. I remember what he taught me – I can be angry, but must stay disciplined because “Anger” is the word “Danger” without the D. Hopefully, my Dad’s advice will help others embrace a disciplined approach to their anger.
Talk about what meaningful signs of progress look like to you.
I would contend that this is not a battle between white people and black people but rather a battle between right and wrong; between people of consciousness and a system where racism is deeply ingrained in the system; where Black lives are not valued the same as white lives. With this current system, when a white person is killed there is swift justice. But when a Black person is killed, there’s a sense of “Oh, Well.”
Progress means Black Americans are treated equally in every sense – equal justice, equal opportunities, equal economically and equal socially.
Progress would mean that no unarmed person would be met with violence and senselessly murdered simply because he or she is Black!
Finally, progress is eliminating the mindset that one race is better than another – whether Black, White, Asian, Indian, Latino, Jewish, Muslim or any other race – where there is a feeling of superiority over someone else based on color or ethnicity… it must stop! And we will all be the richer when we get to that place of a beloved community and as a result, America and the world will be better and we all will prosper at a higher level.
As I say at the end of my radio show, I know…with this kind of thinking and subsequent actions, that the best truly is yet to come!
Whether inspired by the words of Dr. Jolley or seeking a speaker who can help educate and enlighten, we have speakers who can address what is happening in the world from a place of honesty and truth. Contact Preferred Speakers today to learn more because Black Lives Matter and it is our responsibility to help amplify these voices to promote change in the world.