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Preferred Speakers your Trusted Speaker Bureau Partner

Virtual Reality ➡️ Validated Reality

Virtual reality gives you access to a huge number of experiences like: • Climbing to the death-zone of Mt. Everest • Trekking the Grand Canyon rim to rim • Flying an F-15 at Mach 2 into and out of combat…

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Preferred Speakers trusted speakers bureau partner

Your Trusted Speakers Bureau Partner

Well, on the Emmy-winning, inspirational, funny, and feel-good series of the same name, Ted Lasso (a small-time college football coach from Kansas recruited to ruin a divorcee's soccer team in England) was talking about football (soccer in America) when he…

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Be The Kind One

Because We Can All Use More Kindness and Generosity

"For it is in Giving that we Receive." Francis of Assisi In this month of giving and receiving, we introduce you to two speakers who are true givers and who will inspire you with their creativity, innovation, kindness, and generosity.…

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A 2023 Internal Events Trends

Has your organization changed operationally since the pandemic? If so, you’re not alone. The Amex 2023 Global Meetings and Events Forecast revealed that about half of all organizations have adopted a hybrid or remote work model; and that has led…

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